Monday, March 25, 2013

Note to self.

Sometimes you get some rough news that would normally spend any sort or progress you are making into a tailspin. That's my normal reaction to things. Going good, going good then BAM, something crappy happens and I want some ice cream and some trashy TV. Well, NO MORE. This is a destructive behavior that needs to change... and now.

Just because something does not go exactly as planned, does not negate all of the progress that you have made. It is beyond easy to focus on the negative, but what good does that do? Just bring yourself, and everyone around you, down. 

Instead, let's try something new... together

Take the rough times in stride. Keep your head high. Do the best you can with what you have to work with and live each day to the best of your ability. Focus on the happiness of yourself and those closest to you. 

It won't be easy. We will slide into old habits... but we will try, and try and try
And be better people because of it.

Because life is too short to not enjoy it.

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